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Category: Blog

How Manage Your Stress

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Dear Reader,

  Lately it seems like stress has become a pandemic of it’s own. It’s important now more than ever to manage your stress levels for your health and happiness not only for you, but for your friends and family as well.

While you feel stress on the inside, it can also embody itself and negatively affect you on the outside. One common symptom of high stress levels is hair loss. Significant stress can quite literally cause your follicles to shove your hair out, which you might see on your pillow or collecting in your shower drain.

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Have a DIY spa day!

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Dear Reader,

In these times of uncertainty, the pressure is weighing down on all of us worldwide. But there is no need to panic. You know the rules by now, wash your hands for twenty seconds, cover your cough, and most importantly, remain indoors.

It’s a stressful world that we’re living in. Here are a few tips on how to decompress:

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Spring has sprung.

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Spring has sprung! Say hello to the sunshine, warmth and humidity in the air. While some people thrive in this climate, those with curly hair might be difficult to tame around this time of year. Tis the season of frizziness and fly aways. Here are some tips to combat that mane of yours.
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