This is the season of giving!
This is the season of giving! The time to search and plan the perfect gift for your loved ones has arrived, and too quickly at that. The holidays are already stressful enough for most, and with the pandemic looming over us like some dark otherwordly mistletoe, it’s tough times all around.
Some of us are short on money. Some are short on time. Some are struggling with their health but all in all, we each have our own personal difficulties to face every day.
This pandemic has wiped out small businesses all across the globe, leaving us to lean on big billionare corporations like Daddy Amazon and Papa Walmart. So, why not give back to the little guys? Think of small businesses as that one cousin that you have, that you maybe only see once a year but each time you do it’s a delight to be around them.
The time that you share with them is always time well spent, and the memories that you create with them last a life time. Well, this year, your cousin has fallen into rock bottom, and they are reaching out for your help.